Afcool Heat Exchangers
S16 bphe

New S727 dual circuit evaporator


The new Onda Brazed Plate S727 is the larger plate in the BHE portfolio and it has been developed to respond to Air Conditioning and

Process Cooling applications with low pressure refrigerants as R1234ze, R515B, R513A and R134a.

The design of the plate corrugation pattern has been optimized thanks to a CFD analysis supported by thermal laboratory test.

New patented distribution system which allows to achieve stable performance with large plate package reaching a cooling capacity up to 700 kW .






Main advantage of a brazed plate heat exchanger...

Brazed plate heat exchangers are one of the most efficient ways to transfer heat. They are designed to provide unparalleled performance with the lowest life-cycle cost. Choosing brazed technology for your next heating or cooling project will bring many benefits, including savings in space, energy and maintenance.



How does a plate heat exchanger work?


With a plate heat exchanger, heat cuts through the surface and separates the hot medium from the cold. Thus, heating and cooling fluids and gases use minimal energy levels. The theory of heat transfer between mediums and fluids happens when: Heat is always transferred from a hot medium to a cold medium.


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